MHz Technologies recommend our personalised R&D Tax Credit service.
MHz Technologies compared several R&D Tax Credit advisors and engaged Claim Capital due to our diverse experience in R&D and our highly competitive fixed fee model.
About MHz Technologies
MHz Technologies is a niche manufacturer's representative, distributor and technical sales consultancy specialising in RF, Microwave and Millimeter wave technologies.
What do you recommend about Claim Capital's
R&D Tax Credit service?
Aftab shared certain highlights of the R&D claim process with Claim Capital. He said that MHz Technologies were particularly happy with our "agile team" and how we were able to respond to additional financial and technical information. Moreover, Aftab pointed out our streamlined communication both internally and externally: "the tight-knit nature of the business is well-suited to working with startups and SMEs".
Why did MHz Technologies choose Claim Capital?
If you research into DIY R&D Tax Credit platforms, you'll often find that the teams behind these companies made up mostly of Sales Representatives. As a human-centred business, we pride ourselves on our experienced team of R&D Tax experts that handle the R&D claim on your behalf.
Aftab shared that this was a major draw to Claim Capital: "We had a look at a few R&D Tax Advisors, and what we liked about Claim Capital was the fact that you have a wider R&D team, with specialised financial and technical departments."
Aftab said that an additional appeal of Claim Capital when compared to other R&D Tax Advisors was our fixed fee, which not only saves thousands of pounds in fees, but also allows full transparency.
What advice would MHz Technologies give to companies who aren’t yet claiming R&D Tax Credits?
"My advice would be to get on the phone and speak to Claim Capital! There can be apprehension as a founder about how much time and effort the R&D claim process might take, and whether it will be worth it. But claiming R&D Tax Credits with you guys was totally seamless."

I would confidently recommend Claim Capital's R&D Tax Credit service! Their specialist advice maximises the return of our R&D claims.
Eddie Holmes, Co-Founder